From typical food, music, films and activities; the students have all learnt something new during the last week before Christmas holidays.
During the last week before Christmas holidays, the 1st ESO classes have even designed their own Christmas cards, each with a different design, that they will give to another friend next week. In the United Kingdom, it's a very typical tradition to send Christmas cards to friends and family wishing them a 'Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!".
The children also created their very own Christmas crackers - an essential part to the Christmas Day meal in Britain. Crackers are not only used as decorations on the table, but they are very entertaining for the whole family. Two people pull each end of the cracker which causes a small 'bang!'. Inside a cracker there is always a paper crown, a small toy and a joke. The students can't wait to open them together next week!
Merry Christmas to everyone and we hope that you have a relaxing holiday and celebrate well for the New Year!