Ordering food in a restaurant

ordering food1 CopyThe 1st of ESO students have been practising role plays to imitate everyday situations and to revise everything we have learnt in English class.

The Fonix 2016

Fonix 2016We have participated in the "9è Concurs d’Anglès Interescolar de Catalunya" (The Fonix 2016).

Inviting friends and asking for travel information

angles1st of ESO students keep on practicing their English to improve their knowledge of the language. This time they have performed the roles of people who are involved in two diferent situations :

II Setmana de llengües estrangeres

8We have celebrated the II Foreign Languages week from 9th to 11th December at Jaume Huguet school.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

CHRISTMAS2 CopyLydia, the English language assistant, has been teaching the students about Christmas traditions in the United Kingdom.

Everyday English in the classroom

sports anglès 1esoThis year, students of the 1st ESO will role play scenes taken from everyday life in which they themselves play the protagonists.

And the winner is...

cartell premiat 400 jpegOnce again our contest to choose the poster for the Foreign Languages Week has been a great success. Many students have participated showing their artistic talent and enthusiasm.

Semaine des Langues Étrangeres

Sense títolLe prochain décembre aura lieu, dans notre lycée, la deuxième édition de «La Semaine des Langues Étrangères».

Bonfire Night, 5th of November

bonfireDuring the first week of November, Lydia has been telling our students about the popular English celebration 'Bonfire Night'. 


Lydia and Halloween

HALLOWEEN2This year our school has a Language Assistant. Her name is Lydia and she is here as part of GEP experience (Multilingual Experimental Group). During this week she has participated in the Halloween activities.

Inici de curs GEP

INICI GEP2015Amb l’inici del curs, s’ha tornat també a engegar el projecte per al multilingüisme que es va començar el curs passat a l’Institut, coordinat pel Grup d’Experimentació per al Plurilingüisme (GEP).

Exchange GEP experiences

GEP EXPERIENCESOn Thursday 25 June, some teachers members of GEP (Multilingual Experimental Group) were at a conference to exchange  experiences at the Institut Pere Martell, in Tarragona.