During this 3rd term the 2nd of ESO students have prepared what is known as Small Talk which is an informal type of discourse based on everyday matters.
This year, the Department of Spanish Language and Literature announces the second edition of the award of short films. This activity is included in the multilingual project of the Institute.
"The learning of a language is based on the usage of it".
The Foreign Language Department reinforces this principle by representing different day to day life scenarios with the students.
We can learn mythology from narrative scenes painted on kraters (ancient Greek cups used for mixing wine with water).
El dissabte 28 de febrer va tenir lloc a la Universitat de Tarragona la fase provincial del concurs d'anglès FONIX.
Del 9 al 12 de desembre, es va celebrar a l’Institut la 1a Setmana de les llengües estrangeres.
The Seminar of Classical Languages and Culture, a section in the Humanities and Social Sciences Department, is promoting the consolidation of the English language through two or three Greek myths and some episodes of Roman history.
El Departament de Llengües Estrangeres va preparar un intercanvi amb la Gran Bretanya a partir de l’assignatura optativa An Exchange with Great Britain començada durant el 3r d’ESO del curs passat. Enguany ja és el segon curs que estan treballant en aquest projecte i ha estat el moment de portar a terme l’intercanvi. Per això van viatjar al país per conèixer els companys anglesos i visitar el seu institut.