L’Institut, designat centre TIL pel departament d'Ensenyament

TILEl 20 d’octubre l'Institut va assistir a la Jornada Pedagògica Avancem cap al Tractament Integrat de Llengües (TIL).

Assistant de langue française

auxiliar francès CopiarCette année notre lycée a la chance de compter sur Cédric Leiglat, assistant de langue française.

Dia Europeu de les Llengües

dialleng 2Per iniciativa del Consell d’Europa, se celebra cada 26 de setembre el Dia Europeu de les Llengües; és un dia per fomentar l’aprenentatge de llengües a tot Europa.

Scotland on our minds

scotland townhall CopiarOur students of 3rd of ESO would like to talk about some of the good moments in their  trip to Scotland.

People Make Glasgow

loch nessUn grup d'alumnes de 3r d'ESO i tres professores d'anglès van viatjar a Glasgow per conèixer les terres d'Escòcia.

Designing cities with apps and video games

minecraft2The 2nd of ESO students have designed their own cities in the Geography class, part of the Social Science subject.

Latin, Greek, Catalan, Spanish… and English!

LLATÍ TGN CopyThe multilanguage project that our secondary school is putting into practice these years had its best the last 19th of April, when the students of Latin and Greek went to Tarragona.

Ordering food in a restaurant

ordering food1 CopyThe 1st of ESO students have been practising role plays to imitate everyday situations and to revise everything we have learnt in English class.

The Fonix 2016

Fonix 2016We have participated in the "9è Concurs d’Anglès Interescolar de Catalunya" (The Fonix 2016).

Inviting friends and asking for travel information

angles1st of ESO students keep on practicing their English to improve their knowledge of the language. This time they have performed the roles of people who are involved in two diferent situations :

II Setmana de llengües estrangeres

8We have celebrated the II Foreign Languages week from 9th to 11th December at Jaume Huguet school.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

CHRISTMAS2 CopyLydia, the English language assistant, has been teaching the students about Christmas traditions in the United Kingdom.